Glenn and Cindy's Place

Virtual Tourist    Where do you want to explore?

Trip Advisor   Over 30 million trusted traveler reviews & opinions   

Kayak  Compare hundreds of travel sites at once 

Trip Connect   Travel Advice from a Network of Friends

Fast Forage   Travel Reviews, less flapping, more finding    

FareCast (now part of Bing)    Know when to buy

Inside Trip   What makes a quality trip: price, speed, comfort, ease?

Road Trip USA   Cross-country adventures on America's two lane highways

Europe Cheap    Expert reveiws of cheap hotels in Europe

Roadside America    Your online guide to offbeat tourist attractions     

Wiki Travel     It has a lot of good travel info

Yapta   Track flight prices and save mony before and after you buy

Tripit    Email Tripit your travel plans; airline, hotel and more. Tripit organizes a master itenerary that is easy to access

EveryScape   Goes further than other mapping sites by letting you explore both street view and interiors of buildings

ThornTree   Travel forum where the Lonely Planet travel community get together

Going   For people who love to go out…covers 30 large cities only