Dave's Daily Funny, Strange, Bizarre News and Media from around the world f
FARK It's Not News. It's FARK. Funny and weird notable news
Digg The place to discover and share the best content from across the web as submitted and voted by users
Snopes Rumor Has It…..
Fun Trivia The trivia and quiz community
You Tube No further explanation needed
You Tube Tomb This is a research project by MIT Free Culture that tracks videos taken down from YouTube for copyright violations
Lumosity Brain Games Reclaim your brain with these games
Oddee Features the odd, strange and bizarre things of our world. Be amazed!
DeThroner Where every man is king. A digest of news, advice, DIY projects. It’s the perfect guide for the imperfect man
Pointless Sites The premier portal place for passionately pointless websites
Rules of Thumb Every rule of thumb on earth in one place!
UpStream Live You're On Live Video Stream
Bizzarro Blog Daily blog by Dan Piraro of the syndicated cartoon
Falling Sand Game Time to burn? Wow man…….
Some E Card When you care enough to hit send
Group Card Group Card is an easy way to send a printable card that many people can sign
Funology for Kids The science of having fun for kids
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